Being a spanked husband is a roller coaster to say the very least.
On one hand, I am a spanked husband because I have chosen that. I am a spanked husband because I went to my wife and asked her to spank me when I upset her, broke a rule or missed a goal.
There is something buried deep inside of me that I do not fully understand that makes me need to be dealt with by being scolded and spanked. Whatever that thing is, makes spankings appeal to me. It makes me want to be spanked and disciplined by my wife. It makes me crave being spanked by my wife.
At the same time that I crave being spanked by my wife, I also dread it. Being spanked is intensely painful. Being spanked is intensely humiliating. As soon as I know I have a spanking coming, I get a huge pit in my stomach, almost nauseous.
How can I crave something that makes me feel that way?
How can I have this thing that I want so badly, but when it comes time to get it, I hate it so much?
Hate is probably the wrong word. Truth is, I do not hate spankings. I definitely do not enjoy spankings. But I need to be spanked. I appreciate what spankings do for m emotionally and what they do for me mentally. The benefit I receive from a spanking is pretty much proportionate to the severity of that spanking.
The other thing I love about my wife spanking me when I have upset her is the intense love I feel for her after it is over. For her to understand this need of mine and then to agree to spank and paddle the man she loves, the man she would never hurt… That is absolutely amazing. She is absolutely amazing.
After my wife spanks me, she is more beautiful, more wonderful, more loving and more of everything I fell in love with.